Friday, January 14, 2022

#38 Time to Get a Little Artsy

Even though it may seem like my #50by50 adventures are all food based, that's not my goal.  I also want to learn and experience new things.  I used part of my Winter Break to channel my inner artist and experiment with pouring.  Paint pouring is just that . . . pouring acrylic paint on a canvas to create art.  I was surprised to find a lot of different resources online, but this is the one I relied on before beginning my art project.

I found my paints at Hobby Lobby.  They were made specifically for pouring.  And of course, I couldn't help but add some sparkle to my supplies.

This style of painting is an exercise in patience and being ok with how it turns out.  I am sure with practice and studying I could plan what my final product would look like and pour the paints accordingly.   I'm not sure that I knew quite what to expect and there were times I thought, "What a hot mess!"  But I continued to pour and turn the canvas a variety of ways and eventually I ended up with something I'm really proud of.

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