Monday, September 6, 2021

#24 - #26 New Experiences in Las Vegas

Las Vegas is definitely not a new experience for me.  I first went in 2011 and I think I've been six or seven times since.  So even though it wasn't a new place to visit, it was definitely filled with some new experiences for me.  The original intent of the trip was the Joey McIntyre & Debbie Gibson concert at The Venetian.  Of course, I've seen Joey before with NKOTB, and I did see Debbie Gibson back in the day at the Music Mill Amphitheater at Six Flags.  But, I've never seen Guns N Roses in concert before and that was absolutely an unplanned and new experience for me.  They happened to be playing at Allegiant Arena the day we arrived, so we grabbed tickets about 45 minutes before showtime.  I guess I could even count that as part of my new experience, as I am more of a planner and not super spontaneous.  But thanks to Anita & Jaime, I am always working on my spontaneity.  Of course, I knew the Guns N Roses hits, but there were a lot of songs I didn't know as I was more of a New Wave and Pop kind of girl back in the 80s.  Not the most amazing concert I've been to, but worth it to see Slash play. He is phenomenal guitar player.  A true artist with his instrument.  I lost count of guitar changes by Slash after seven.  I was so glad they had these huge screens so I could just watch him play for most of the night.  Axel, on the other hand . . . bless his heart, his voice has definitely seen better days. 

In addition to the Guns N Roses concert, there were a few other new experiences for me, mostly food based.  We ate at Carmine's in the Forum, Yardbird at the Venetian and Sushisamba, also at the Venetian.  Family-style Italian, Southern Comfort, and Japanese-Brazialian-Peruvian fusion . . . I love that our group doesn't get stuck in a rut of one type of food.  We also ventured out to Peppermill, which will be celebrating its 50th next year along with me!  It's a Las Vegas classic; I don't think it has changed a bit since 1972!  If you want breakfast, get there early as it fills up fast,  Luckily, we had an Elvis impersonator to keep us company on our short wait.

My last first Vegas experience was a trip to Kate Spade.  I've always admired the style, but had never taken the plunge.  But when it's on sale, how do you not indulge yourself in a little fashion.

It was good to get away after a crazy start to the school year.  The great thing about Vegas is you can go multiple times, but every time is like a new experience because it's always changing and there are just so many different things to see and do.  Viva Las Vegas!

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